
September 18, 2014, 10:06 pm by admin

This is the online Help section for HSMAdvisor - Advanced CNC Machinist's Speed and Feed Calculator.

Please select a category on the right to begin exploring

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© Eldar Gerfanov


September 21, 2014, 1:34 pm by admin

We listen closely to suggestions and feedback and always try to understand and accommodate your requirements.

Please use one of the following ways to get in touch with us

  • Email Eldar Gerfanov - Developer of HSMAdvisor and FSWizard
    Click to reveal

    Please request any manipulations with your account via email.
  • Support Forums
  • Phone Support
    (Please request phone support by email)

International Language Support

November 26, 2016, 12:32 pm by admin

HSMAdvisor supports multiple user interface languages.

Here is how you can switch the UI language:

  • Launch HSMAdvisor and go to Settings->General
  • Find the button called "Select Language" and click on it.
  • A new dialog shows where you select one of the available languages from the list and click OK.

You can create your own translation.
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August 10, 2021, 2:52 am by admin

To move more of the HSMAdvisor's functionality into open-source space and allow users to extend HSMAdvisor, I created an external public repository for core HSMAdvisor plugins:


HSMAdvisor plugins are .NET v4.5 DLL libraries and must reference and extend HSMAdvisorPlugin and/or ObjectDataBase assemblies.

More information on creating a plugin is available on the GitHub page linked above.

Work Flow using HSMAdvisor (A Customer's Story)

July 27, 2023, 12:54 am by admin

I've been using HMSA for about 3 years now (maybe more) and have running it down to a pretty quick science.

If I need to create a new tool I do the following:

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HSMAdvisor Screens

January 17, 2024, 11:30 am by admin

Below are the main screens of HSMAdvisor app.

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