Older versions
HSMAdvisor always supports the latest version of MasterCAM
Please check out the older (2018, 2017, and X9) versions here: HSMAdvisor v1.533
HSMAdvisor setup requires administrative privileges to install into Program Files.
Although it is not required, we recommend you to install standalone HSMAdvisor prior to installing the hook: this will make sure you have default tool libraries, machines, and languages.
See Also
At this moment the following tool paths are fully recognized:
- Face Mill
- Contour
- Pocket
- Drilling
(Boring, Tapping,C-Boring)
- Circle Mill
- All 2D HST Tool paths:
Dynamic Milling
Dynamic Area
Blend Mill
Peel Mill
- All 3D HST Tool paths
- All 3D Tool paths
Things to be added in the coming days/weeks/months:
- Turning
- Routing
Setting up HSMAdvisor hook for MasterCAM 2017:
Setting up HSMAdvisor hook for MasterCAM X9:
Calculating cutting parameters for Face Milling, Saving Tool and Cut data and recalling it when needed: