Search for tools returned 4 results.

You can manipulate a large number of tools simultaneously by selecting multiple Tool records in the Tool Database tab.

You can select multiple tools in sequence using your mouse and/or keyboard.

When one or more Tool and/or Cut rows have been selected, you can perform various actions on them by right-clicking on the Tool Table control.

There are various methods for selecting Tools:

  • Select single row
    Left-Click on a tool record.
  • Selecting multiple rows by dragging the mouse
    Left-Click on a first row to be selected and drag the mouse up or down to select multiple rows
  • Selecting random multiple rows
    Press and hold the "Control" keyboard key and select rows by clicking and dragging the mouse across the rows you wish to select.
  • Selecting a range of rows between first and last selected rows
    1. Select the first row of the range
    2. Press and hold the "Shift" keyboard key
    3. Select the last row of the range
    4. All rows between the first and the last will be selected.

Tool Database Tool/Cut record actions

Once Tool/Cut rows have been selected, you can perform various actions on them by right-clicking on the Tool Table control. A context pop-up menu will show up:

Depending on the number and the kind of selected records, various options will be available:

  • When a single Tool or Cut is selected in addition to common actions, You can Load Tool or Cut into HSMAdvisor or View its Information
    When multiple Tools/Cuts are selected, Load and View Information options are disabled
  • When at least one tool is selected Copy To... or Move To..., options are available allowing you to copy/move the selected tool(s) to another Tool Library
    All cuts attached to selected tools also get copied. A Cut can only be copied together with its parent tool.
  • You can Delete selected items by clicking the Delete option.
    If a tool is being deleted, all its cuts will be deleted as well.
    It is possible to delete only the Cuts by selecting the corresponding rows.
  • Mass Quick Edit sub-menu allows you to do the following actions:

    The availability of certain options will vary depending on the number and the kind of rows that have been selected:
  • Clone Tool/Generate Sizes is available when a single Tool record is selected.
    It allows you to create a list of tools using the selected one as a template.
    The tools' starting and ending diameters and the diameter step-up will be defined in a series of questions.
  • The rest of the Mass Quick Edit options are self-explanatory.
    Whenever in doubt, copy tools into a new test library and perform these actions there to make sure you do not adversely affect the existing rows.
  • Tool Ordering sub-menu is available when at least one tool record is selected.
    It allows you to quickly add tools to the Request List for further ordering through your purchasing department.

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© Eldar Gerfanov

HSMAdvisor Shared Drive Databases

July 26, 2023, 11:54 pm by admin

HSMAdvisor's shared drive databases enable multi-user collaboration and data synchronization. When a tool database file is located on a shared drive, multiple instances of HSMAdvisor can read and write to it, allowing concurrent access. Any changes made to the tools within the database are automatically updated across all instances, ensuring data consistency.

To share the tool database:

  1. Use the "Tool Database-> Actions -> Save Database As ..." menu item to save the currently-loaded database file in the new shared location, such as Dropbox or OneDrive. The current HSMAdvisor instance will immediately start using the database file you have just created.
  2. Once the shared database file is in place, other HSMAdvisor instances can connect to it using the "Tool Database-> Actions -> Open Tool Database..." menu item in the Tool Database tab.

Optional file compression

The database file can be quite large if your database has many thousands of tools.
This may make reading and writing in the Network-shared locations quite sluggish.

In such a case consider enabling the "Compressed Tool Database" option located in the Settings tab.
This will tell HSMAdvisor to transfer and store your Tool Database file in ZIPped format, making file operations blazingly fast even on slow networks.

Uncompressed size:

Compressed size:

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Supported Tool Types

March 23, 2016, 3:22 pm by admin
  • Solid End Mill
  • Solid Ball Mill
  • HP/Roughing End Mill
  • Indexed End Mill
  • Indexed Ball Mill
  • Indexed Face Mill
  • Jobber twist Drill
  • Reamer
  • High Feed Mill
  • Hi-Helix Parabolic Drill
  • Straight Flute for hard metal
  • Spade Drill
  • Thread Mill
  • Helical Indexed End Mill
  • V-bit Engraver
  • Turning-Profiling
  • Turning-Grooving
  • Turning-Boring
  • Tap
  • Forming Tap
  • Counterbore
  • Chamfer Mill
  • Indexed Drill
  • Boring Head

Supported Tool Materials

March 23, 2016, 3:24 pm by admin
  • HSS
  • HSCobalt
  • Carbide
  • Diamond
  • Ceramic