Downloading and Uploading Machine Profiles to and from the online Cloud
June 25, 2016, 3:00 pmArticle Summary
June 25, 2016, 3:00 pm
Author Summary
Sun February 16, 2025, 5:14 pm
Sun February 16, 2025, 5:14 pm
HSMAdvisor allows to store your Machine Profile in online cloud storage for easier access and sharing.
Whenever a user is requesting a new machine profile to be added to HSMAdvisor i create it on my computer and simply Upload it to the cloud, so the person asking and everybody else can access it immediately and not wait for the next HSMAdvisor update.
Here is how you can Upload and/or Download a machine profile:
Downloading a new Machine Profile to the active machine list
- Click on Edit button next to the Machine list on HSMAdvisor Speeds and Feeds tab
- Click on Download button on the "Machine Definition" dialog
- A list of all machines available on the cloud will appear.
- Put a Check the Machine Profiles you would like to Download and click Ok button.
- If successful you will receive a confirmation message.
- Find and select your machine in the drop-down list to make sure its parameters are correct.
- Click on Save button to save the changes and close the dialog
To Upload a Machine Profile to the Cloud
(to share it with your friends, coworkers)
- Click on Edit button next to the Machine list on HSMAdvisor Speeds and Feeds tab.
- Give your machine a proper name consisting of Machine Brand and Model Name, Spindle RPM and Horsepower.
For example: "HAAS VF3 (30HP/12000RPM)" - Make sure Private Machine checkbox is off. Othervise only you will be able to access the uploaded machine.
- Click on Upload button on the "Machine Definition" dialog
- If Cloud Login dialog appears, enter your HSMAdvisor Cloud login and password or click on Register link and fill out the required information.
- You machine will be uploaded the the cloud.
You can confirm that by clicking on Download button and finding your machine name on the list.
If at any point you would like to make changes to your Cloud-Hosted Machine Profile, simply make whatever modifications you need and click on the Upload button.
As long as Your Login is the same and Machine Profile name did not change, your old machine on the Cloud will be overwritten by the new version.
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