How HSMAdvisor Floating License Works
October 6, 2019, 5:25 pmArticle Summary
October 6, 2019, 5:25 pm
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Sun February 16, 2025, 4:50 pm
Sun February 16, 2025, 4:50 pm
The Floating License is a preferred type of license when a computer is connected to the internet.
It has multiple advantages, like the ability to be used on multiple computers and easier license transfers, that do not involve sending an email with a license transfer request.
Here is how Floating License works:
To activate a Floating License, you need to enter the license First Name, Last Name, and Email and click on the "Automatic Registration" link.
HSMAdvisor will connect to the licensing server and request a seat.
The seat will remain parked on the computer for another 10(or more) minutes.
For as long as HSMAdvisor is open on that computer, it pings the license server every 10(or more) minutes to renew the seat.
The computer that currently has the parked seat is given priority when renewing.
If you launch HSMAdvisor and there are not enough free seats available, you will get an error message saying that "The seat is busy."
This usually only happens when you try to use HSMAdvisor on more than one computer simultaneously.
In such cases, consider upgrading to a 2 seat license.
You can also change how often HSMAdisor pings the server by going to Settings and choosing a different "Floating License Parking Period."
I can also free up parked seats for users who need license renewals on other computers (i.e., accidental choosing of longer than needed License Parking Period, or other things like changing of the employer, computer upgrades, etc.)
The default 10-minute renewal interval can be changed in HSMAdvisor settings. The license owner can also control the maximum parking interval online on the User Keys page.