Circular Interpolation / Ramping Calculator
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Sun February 16, 2025, 3:44 pm
HSMAdvisor allows you to properly calculate cutting speeds and feeds for various cutting modes including Circular tool path compensation and Ramping.
The button that enables Circular/Ramp compensation is located on Cut Data panel below DOC and WOC input fields.
This button launches Circular Interpolation/Ramping dialog where you can specify your cutter engagement and various machining modes.
The top group of the option boxes lets you choose the cutter motion mode:
- Internal (Hole) option lets you calculate cutting parameters for internal hole milling
- External (Boss) option lets you calculate cutting parameters for outside circular boss milling
- Straight Line option lets you calculate cutting parameters for Straight Line or Profile Ramping where it is not needed to account for the radius of the toolpath.
Internal (Hole) Milling
When a cutter if milling inside circle, the actual width of cut is larger than it may appear and the feedrate of the circumference of the tool is larger than the programmed feedrate of the center of the tool:
Thus it may be required to decrease the feedrate to prevent the cutter damage.
You do not need to worry for that as HSMAdvisor will automatically detect unfavorable conditions and adjust cutting speed/feed accordingly.
External (Boss) Milling
Contrary to Internal Milling, External Milling actually reduces the actual width of cut and decreases the feedrate of the circumference of the tool compared to the programmed feedrate of the center of the tool:
Likewise HSMAdvisor will adjust cutting parameters according to the circular Interpolation parameters you enter.
Straight Line Ramping
This option is used when Z-Ramping where tool movement in X and/or Y in conjunction with incremental Z motion is used to ramp into material.
In Straight Line Ramping mode only Ramp Plunging option (see below) is available.
Ramping Angle Calculator and Ramp Plunging / Milling switch
By specifying Ramping Angle or Pitch you let HSMAdvisor calculate necessary compensation values for the motion Style you have described in the "Ramping Motion Parameters" group.
In other words whatever X/Y feedrate compensation has been applied before, will be adjusted by the Ramping parameters.
If Ramp Angle is 0, then HSMAdvisor assumes you are plunging straight down
Ramp Plunging option applies the final compensated feedrate to Plunge Feed like so:
Ramp Milling option applies the resulting feedrate to milling feedrate (Feed) result field:
Please be advised that not all tools are capable of handling large Ramping Angles
Many Indexed Endmills are only capable of 1-1.5 Degree ramping (and it is considered a safe place to start) but some aluminum-specific indexed cutters can handle up to 15 degrees.
Solid End mills are more forgiving, but you should consult your tool manufacturer as to what ramping angle your tool can handle. A 2.5 degree for steels and 5 degree for aluminums are generally safe numbers.
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