Balancing Cutter Engagement
September 23, 2014, 10:31 pmArticle Summary
September 23, 2014, 10:31 pm
September 28, 2014, 9:42 am
Author Summary
Sun February 16, 2025, 6:17 pm
Sun February 16, 2025, 6:17 pm
One of the handiest functions of HSMAdvisor is the ability to suggest Depth of Cut (DOC) and Width of Cut (WOC) based on tool type and user-specified tool geometry.
When Cut data matches the default or ideal data specific for the selected Tool Type, the DOC and WOC fields turn Green in color:
This article describes how to balance the Cutter Engagement and find the most efficient way of removing material.
Case 1: Balancing DOC against changed WOC or vise-verse (Load Balancing)
Let's use the previous picture and assume our cutter is a 0.5" 3 flute Generic End Mill.
Default DOC and WOC for that kind of tool would look like this: DOC=1.0", WOC=0.150"
Set 1:
Now these cutting parameters are taken form the internal data base and consider Tool Type, Material being cut and even Tool Geometry.
Green color of the fields indicate that these values are ideal according to HSMAdvisor.
Let's now change the Width of Cut to full width as if we are slotting or pocketing: set WOC= 0.5"
Set 2:
As you can see default Depth of Cut (DOC) immediately changed its value and is now showing just 0.351" DOC instead of the previous 1.0"
This is it! You have just balanced Depth of Cut for the new Width of Cut you will be using.
It is noteworthy that while feed rate may change between the first two Sets of values, MRR or Material Removal Rate stays virtually the same.
This is the whole point of this Balancing exercise - to automatically adjust the other value keeping the load on the cutter the same.
Case 2: Setting both DOC and WOC to custom numbers (Feed Rate Balancing)
Let's now also change our Depth of Cut to 0.5"
Set 3:
As you can see none of the fields is green now, indicating that both of our values differ from the ideal parameters.
But if both values are not ideal, where did the difference go?
The difference went to Feed Rate. In this case Feed Rate will drop from 142 ipm to 100 ipm
When Cutter Engagement exceeds recommended values, HSMAdvisor tries to compensate the difference by reducing the feed rate.
When Cutter Engagement is less than recommended, Feed Rate may be increased, depending on the workpiece material.
Setting both the DOC and the WOC to custom numbers, however, leads to a nasty side-effect
As you increase cutter engagement in excess of default values, HSMAdvisor tries to reduce your Chip Load (Feed Rate).
Reduction in chip load leads to rubbing and premature tool wear.
It is HIGHLY recommended to balance at least one (DOC or WOC) without resorting to Feed Rate compensation
Both DOC and WOC are set to custom values. How do I balance for one of them leaving the other one the same?
Simply Click on the text label in front of the filed you want to reset to default:
After Clicking on DOC label, Depth Of Cut re-sets to the ideal in this circumstance value.
See Also